Noiseless Ventilation

A noiseless throttle gives you the position to use all the benefits a ventilation system is offering. Because of the noiseless FiConAir Tube you can achieve the right airflow in every area wanted or needed. You can even easily change the airflow on demand for each area and get immediately response on temperature of course still noiseless and also without affecting any other areas need of airflow.

  • The FilConAir Tube (throttle) is positioned in the openings in the duct system.
  • Either by itself or inside inlet or outlet appliances. It work as CAV or VAV.
  • Airflow range is between 0 – 140 l/s and handle pressure drop up to 1000 Pa.
  • All the time the throttle is noiseless over the complete range of airflow and pressure drop.
  • It is possible within seconds to change airflow without affecting any other adjustment in the system.

This means that air distribution can be designed or settled to minimize noise. It is possible to reach levels below 20 dB for the complete system. Because of the position of the FilConAir Tube (throttles) at the openings of the duct system and because of it function to adjust the airflow it is simplifying the design of the air duct system and also reducing the need of silencer and throttles in system.

Enhance the Performance

FilConAir Tube will enhance the performance of the ventilation system at any level and at new installation it will even give structural advantages as well as flexibility for the future.

Improves Sustainability

FilConAir Tube improves sustainability of the ventilation system in several areas. The most obvious area is the simplicities in structure and easy usage of different airflow without the future need of reconstruction or rebuilding of duct system or appliances or control system.

Energy Conservation

When it comes to energy conservation the possibilities are extensive and accurate to the need and usage of the system. Adjusting and optimizing of the system in term of energy consumption is easily maintained and handled on individual levels.

Please proceed reading about the FilConAir Tube.